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The Story of Unreel Tables

Unreel Tables got its start in 2014 when we were looking for a unique patio table, but we couldn't find anything that suited us. 

I started thinking back to when I was growing up in rural Pennsylvania and my family had a large wooden wire reel as our backyard picnic table. But we didn't just want a plain wire reel sitting on the back patio, we want a conversational piece. This gave me an idea...

So, my husband and I found a large 36-inch wooden wire reel at a local yard sale. We brought it home and cleaned it up. We designed the top using mosaic glass tiles from the local hardware store and used a self-leveling epoxy resin over the top to protect the tile and grout finish. That was the start of our adventure. 

A few weeks later, we found another smaller wooden wire reel and thought of our friends who were moving to Ohio. They are huge Steelers fans, and we want to give them a housewarming gift that showed off their team spirit. 

After the Steeler’s table was finished, we posted it on social media to friends and family and the next thing we had was orders for all kinds of themed tables, and Unreel Tables became our business.

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